Download Previous Year Diploma Paper of Computer Networks CN 5th Sem/ECE/2616/Feb 2021 Diploma Paper(For 2018 Batch onwards)

Computer Networks CN 5th Sem/ECE/2616/Feb 2021 Diploma Paper(For 2018 Batch onwards)


Q2. Attempt any Three questions.                                                                    5×6=3

i. Explain the different types of hubs.
ii. Explain IP4 Privates Addressing.
iii. Differentiate between hub and switch.
iv. What is router? Explain.
v. Compare peer to peer network V/S client server network.
vi. What do you mean by ATM.?
vii. What is the need of subletting?
viii. What do you mean by network?


Q3. Attempt any one question.                                                       1×10=10

a. Explain OSI reference model in detail.
b. Explain different network hardware.
c. What do you mean by switching? Define types of switching.
d. What is transmission mode? Explain various methods of transmission.

Computer Networks CN 5th Sem/ECE/2616/Feb 2021 Diploma Paper

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Section A:-Computer Networks CN 5th Sem/ECE/2616/Feb 2021 Diploma Paper

Explain the different types of hubs.

Different types of hubs.

Explain IP4 Privates Addressing.

IP4 Privates Addressing.

Differentiate between hub and switch.

Differentiate between hub and switch.

What is router? Explain.


Compare peer to peer network V/S client server network.

Compare peer to peer network V/S client server network.

What do you mean by ATM.?


What is the need of subletting?

Need of subletting.

What do you mean by network?


Computer Networks CN 5th Sem/ECE/2616/Feb 2021 Diploma Paper  Click Here

Computer Networks CN 5th Sem/ECE/2616/Feb 2021 Diploma Paper

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Section b :-Computer Networks CN 5th Sem/ECE/2616/Feb 2021 Diploma Paper

Explain OSI reference model in detail.

OSI reference model in detail.

Explain different network hardware.

Different network hardware.

What do you mean by switching? Define types of switching.

Switching and types of switching.

What is transmission mode? Explain various methods of transmission.

Transmission mode and various methods of transmission.

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